Turboshaft Engine Test Facilities
Turboshaft Engine Test Facilities
Helicopter Production Test Systems
We have designed, developed and supplied "Turnkey" multi-purpose adaptable high/low speed Helicopter Engine Test Trollies and Test Facilities. This test system provides flexibility by utilising a single production test trolley for all helicopter engine permutations. Our multi-engine variant test system, designed for all marks of the GE CT58/ RR Gnome, T700/RTM 322 and Makila 1/1A1/1A2 demonstrates the expertise, quality and flexibility of the Aerotest design.
A "Turnkey" Multi-purpose Engine Test Facility provides the following advantages:-
Complete, design, construction and commissioning.
Test Systems available for conversion of existing Test Cells.
World-class Acoustic design and noise reduction performance.
Multi-engine capability for faster return on investment.
State-of-the Art data acquisition system and full performance analysis software, including on-line, real time, test and digital fault diagnosis via high-speed computers with optional auto-cueing software.
Proven test application software.
Design and Construction Consultancy packages available.

Mobile Helicopter Engine Test Facility
We design and develop advanced compact Mobile Engine Test Facilities which offer the end user deep field servicing support for helicopter engines. This design of facility is versatile, user friendly, safe, efficient and cost effective and provides a testing solution for the EH101/ Merlin, NH90 and Apache Helicopter platform variants. The Mobile Engine Test Facility is designed to be configured for the RTM322, with testing solution options for the T700 CT7-8E engine variants as well.
The Test Facility comprises of the following key elements and systems:-
Mobile Test trailer which acts as the main facility platform.
Removable Acoustic Control Cabin for transportation purposes by air.
Engine mounting and test skid.
Self-contained fuel package.
Self-contained air-start package.
Self-contained electrical supply using a generator which operates on all standards of NATO aviation fuel and provides 28/110/240/415 volts.
The Mobile Engine Test Facility provides the following advantages:-
Proves the quality of the power plant.
Quickly deployable using any suitable ‘towing-tug’.
Compact, lightweight and fully mobile
Simple design and construction
Air transportable – by C130 or C17 transport
Can be configured to accept a variety of engine types
The facility operators will benefit from the cabins enhanced acoustics, console ergonomics and integrated air-conditioning system.
“State of the Art” data acquisition system and full performance analysis software, including on-line, real time, test and digital fault diagnosis via high-speed computers.
Optional auto-cueing software for a faster, more accurate way of repeatable and recording test data.
One self-contained facility catering for multiple aircraft platforms.
Prevents the aircraft being used as an expensive test facility, thus increases aircraft availability.
CE certified to meet current legislation and EU directives.

Multi-Engine Production Test Systems
Designed, developed and supplied, Turnkey Multi-purpose adaptable High Speed Engine Test Trolleys and Facilities. Our multi engine variant test system designed for all marks of the Allied Signal (Honeywell) TPE 331, this test system is the ONLY known system, excluding that of the engine manufacturer, with the testing capability of a single production test trolley which can accommodate more than 50 variants of the TPE 331 aero engine. This test system provides the testing flexibility by utilising a single production test trolley for all 50 variants demonstrating the quality, experience and flexibility of the Aerotest design.
A Turnkey Multi-purpose Engine Test Facility provides the following advantages:-
World-class Acoustic design and noise reduction performance
Multi-engine capability for flexible testing solutions.
A safe and efficient test environment.
The Aerotest “state of the art” Engine Test Facility has a proven capacity to test over 500 engines per annum.
Proves the performance of the overhauled Turboshaft engines.
Turboshaft engines installed and fully tested during a ONE TIME installation.
“State of the Art” data acquisition system and full performance analysis software, including on-line, real time, test and digital fault diagnosis via high-speed computers and optional auto-cueing software.
A faster, more accurate way of repeatable and recording test data.
Proven application software approved by the CAA, FAA, UK MoD and many foreign military quality control authorities.